keS teRgempar!!


okay. hari ni mood Df tak berapa baik disebabkan NEWS ni..
DF dapat satu NEWs dari page DF sendiri

salah seorang kawan DF telah post tentang berita tergempar iaitu

dan berita ini menyatakan

Breaking News...
News Print translation: (Sibu Sarawak, Malaysia ‧ 8 News) is suspected of killing a family of four juvenile suspects, like at home watching cartoons and cartoons, cartoon favorite is the famous Japanese detective film "Detective Conan", and is learning how to kill from the film .
It is understood that the police in the investigation and interrogation of suspects and learned that these were only 17 years old and the young age is n ... o different, all love to read comic books and cartoons.
Police discovered that the suspect not only like to watch, but also to imitate. He told police, his favorite cartoon is "Detective Conan", because the film is described killings, he said he was from the film to learn how to kill.
Juvenile suspects from the ceiling at his home, climbed the deceased Lin Tangfu family home ready to steal the dead to sneak into the toilet.
When he was in the dry case as a professional thief, in addition to gloves, but also from the dead to take home a piece of clothing blindfolded own half of his face, to avoid being recognized.

hey brother, kau kalau nak membunuh pun jangan nak sangkutkan salah satu idola aku.
perbuatan kau ni telah merosakkan nama baik idola aku !!
kau tu dah umur 17 tahun takkan tak tahu mana satu buruk
dan mana satu baik !
aku pun tengok jugak cerita dia.Tapi taklah sampai nak bunuh orang !!
perbuatan kau ni ish !! **bengang

dia ni memang betul-betul menyusahkan kartun kegemaran DF !!
sakit hati betul !!

Df tengah buntu so, tade ape lagi nak dikatakan lagi

gomen nasai ~~ ( sorry )


YEASLMN said...

hehe , sabar sabar ;D

itu nama nya taktaw nak menghargai Detective Conan .

EyA edamanhatiku said...

haha xdpat nak komen p pelik camna bole blajar bunuh dari komik...xmasuk akal langsung..pminat komik cam eya trasa gak tao

hanaahmad said...

isk3. terpengaruh.

Dakara said...

betul tu betul, fanatik sangat tapi jangan sampai nak tiru cara membunuh tu. mencemarkan name detective conan je. geram!! *emosi